How to Stop comparing Your Life To Other People and Start Living Your Life


Have you ever noticed that your life seems to be constantly being compared to other people’s lives? The lives of your friends, family members, or acquaintances? Your own? You may think it’s because everyone is talking about how bad their life is, or how happy they are . But the truth is, you probably do it too! You see other people around you and wonder what they are doing. They are probably wondering what you are doing. You compare yourself to others and wonder if you’re doing things better than them or worse. You wonder if you’re in a better place right now than they are. Or if they are in a better place than you. And this comparison can be exhausting. It’s draining. And it’s not helping anyone . Here are a few ways to stop making comparisons and start living your own life:


Get back in touch with your own values

Many people are afraid to let go of the past and move forward. They are too invested in their past. They spent too many years carrying that weight. They may not even know it, but they are. They were the one’s who set up that cross to bear. It’s important to remember that your past does not determine who you are as an individual today. The past is just a part of your past. You can’t change it, but you can decide how you want to deal with it. Some of the things that have shaped you as a person are good and useful and even necessary. But some of it is not so great . And you need to get that out of your system. You need to let go of the past and start living in the present .


Stop judging yourself and your peers

You are not your peers. You are not your family members. You are not your friends. You are not the people who are doing well in life right now. You are not anybody. Some people are so consumed by their own comparisons that they don’t realize that others don’t have to live their life through the same struggles or problems that they do. And when they start to compare themselves to other people, they are setting themselves up for failure. They are setting themselves up for unhappiness. They are setting themselves up for comparison. And that is a trap that most people don’t want to fall into. Don’t compare yourself to other people. Don’t compare yourself to your peers. Just compare yourself to nothing. And then compare that zeroing in on nothing to your life and you will be much happier.


Get out and meet new people

You’ve probably known people your whole life and seen them around but you’ve never really gotten a chance to get to know them . You probably have a lot of questions but you just haven’t had the time. Now is the time to change that. Now is the time to get out and meet new people. You have so much to learn. And you have so little time to learn it . New people are always fun to talk to. Old people are too. You just have to find the nerve to talk to them . You have to remember to talk to old people, too. Talking to old people is always so nerve-wracking. But it’s necessary. It’s how you learn. You don’t have to like the person you’re talking to. You don’t have to know them. But you have to try. And you have to try hard. And you have to talk to them about what you’re thinking. You have to listen. And you have to learn.


Find the courage to make changes you’ve been afraid to make

There are things in our lives that we just have to do. Things that feel right and things that feel wrong. Some of them might be the same for everyone but some of them might be different for everyone. You may have felt happy with your situation but then you found out that there was an issue. You may have been afraid to do something because you were afraid it would change your life for the worse . But it’s time to take a risk . You have to take a leap of faith . You have to try something different . You have to take a risk . You have to do something you’ve wanted to do for a long time but was too afraid to do. You have to take the leap of faith and do whatever it takes to make that happen.


Find a mentor or a friend that you can talk to about your problems

A mentor is someone who has been through what you are going through and is wiser than you . A friend is somebody who you can talk to when you’re in trouble . A friend will always be there for you when you need them to be . A mentor will be there for you when you need them to be . You have to find somebody who you can confide in and trust . And you have to find somebody who you can talk to about your problems too.


Help others see the beauty in their lives too.

People don’t realize how much their actions and words affect other people. The things that you do for others, that you appreciate, that you value, that you love, those things will bring people back again and again to you in their moments of need . When you start to notice that other people are always seeking ways to help them out, it will make you feel so good to know that you are doing something helpful too.


End on a high note

There are no goodbyes in life. Sooner or later, we all have to say goodbye to some things in life. Whether it’s to someone we love, a place we’ve lived, a job we’ve loved, or some dreams we’ve had - we all have to say goodbye to something in life. It’s important to remember that every good thing comes with a bad thing, and every bad thing comes with a good thing. The end of the day, you have to decide if the bad outweighs the good. And if the answer is no, then it’s time to start again. Start again with a clean slate and a new mindset .



When it comes to comparing your life to others, don’t do it. You are not your parent’s disappointment or your friend’s struggle. You are your own unique person and you have the power to start living your life and living it well.

